Yesterday monday 30th august was a big day here in Mexico as Edgar Valdez Villareal known as "The Barbie", "El guero" or "El comadante" was arrested by the Mexican Police. He is actually one of the most powerful drug traffickers in Mexico and was one of the most wanted criminals in this country and the United States. The operation leaded by the Mexican authorities lasted 14 months to finally arrest the drug trafficker.
The new Miami Horror album Illumination is finally out and it is awesome. If you like synth pop, disco, retro sunshine electo or indie music you will be pleased by Illumination which is the result of 4 years of hard work.
(For those who do not know Miami Horror, in short it is an electro-pop band from Melbourne, Australia influenced by 70s-80s artists such as Prince, ELO, Giorgio Moroder, etc.)
Below, you will find 3 extracts of the album and I can tell "Sometimes" is definitely one of my favourite.
The american hyperealist scultpor Duane Hanson was established as one of the leading sculptors of the late twentieth century. Since the early 1970’s Duane Hanson has been making sculptures of middle American class from live models, recreated in bronze or fibreglass resin.
It's been already one year that this funny and original concept has been created. The concept is "learn a fact every single day of the year and then if interested you have the possibility to print the draws on American Apparel t-shirts." This is simply brilliant... I'd like to congratulate and encourage the founders for such great idea!
For those who did not know the existence of Pat, let's say he could be considered as the father of Hi-NRG music and had a reputation of exceptional performer and musical producer. He was born on October, 1950 in Buffalo, New York where he spent his childhood until 1971. Then he moved from NYC to San Francisco for an intense study of the synthesizer at San fransisco City College.
Patrick was recognized as a master using the "E-mu system" synthesizer, because he did it intuitively and could not explain how he got such sounds... interesting isn't it?
This thing above is the "E-mu system" synthesizer" used in 1973.
I guess you are thinking: "what's the point in introducing Patrick Cowley?" Well actually there is not point, I just want you to discover his work, simply because he deserves it and to make you realize how ahead of his time he was.
His discography is made of 4 albums: Menergy (1981) Megatron Man (1981) Mind Warp (1982) Catholic (2009 - recorded 1976)
To give you an idea of what the HI-NRG music is, I choose Megatron Man released in 1982, which is by the way my favourite song of P.C, but I could not leave without publishing "Menergy" (released in 1981) which is without doubt, the most famous song from his discography.